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Dr. Lian-Ping (Huanlin) Wang


Current and Past Research Projects

Environmental Fluid Mechanics
  • Turblent collision and aerodynamic interaction of cloud droplets.

  • Kinetic collection equation and warm rain formation.

  • Simulation of pore-scale flows in soil porous media.

  • Modeling of colloid transport and retention.
Direct Numerical Simulations
  • Hybrid simulations of motion and interactions of hydrodynamically-interacting cloud droplets in turbulent airflow.

  • Direct simulations of particle-laden turbulent flows.

  • Spectral simulations of isotropic turbulence and free shear flows - applications to structrual evolution and scaling dynamics.

  • Comparison of spectral method and lattice-Boltzmann approach for turbulence simulation on a Beowulf cluster.

  • Lattice Boltzmann method for single and multiphase flows.
Turbulent Multiphase Flows
  • Effects of turbulence on collisional growth of cloud droplets - Applications to warm rain processes.

  • Modeling gas-liquid flows in agitated vessels by lattice Boltzmann method.

  • Aerosol dispersion and suspension in the atmospheric boundary layer.

  • Two-way couplings in developing three-dimensional particle-laden free shear flows
CFD Modeling of Complex Flows
  • Viscous flows in wavy or curved pipes.

  • Colloid interfacial reactions in open microchannel applying to unsaturated soil capillaries.

  • Modeling fluid transport in fuel cells using the lattice Boltzmann approach.

  • Thermal modeling of source nozzles for fabrication of thin film solar cells.

  • CFD modeling of flows around combustion turbine exhaust structure - Application to flow-induced structural damage.

  • Air flow characterization in the pharynx and its relation to sleep apnea.
126 Spencer Laboratory | University of Delaware | Newark, DE 19716-3140 | phone 302-831-8160| fax 302-831-3619